The VinylPlus® Product Label

The VinylPlus® Product Label is a labelling scheme which makes it easy for customers and markets to identify the most sustainable and high-performance PVC products. Currently, the scheme covers the PVC building products as defined in Article 2 and Annex I of the EU Construction Products Regulation 305/2011.

The VinylPlus® Product Label has been developed by VinylPlus®, in collaboration with Building Research Establishment (BRE) and The Natural Step (TNS).

The VinylPlus® Supplier Certificates

In 2021, with the launch of the VinylPlus® 2030 Commitment, emerged the need to extend the VinylPlus® Product Label scope to the suppliers of additives and compounds. With this aim in mind, we have established the VinylPlus® supplier certificates, addressed to PVC additives suppliers (stabilisers, plasticisers, fillers and pigments) and compounders.

The purpose of the VSC is to help the converters partners of VinylPlus® to document the sustainability achievements for some specific products, and to improve companies and products sustainability performance.

Product Inventory

Elegant, Twinson, Zendow, Zendow Premium
Profile 22 Optima, Spectus Elite, Swish 24/7
FIN-Door, FIN-Fix, FIN-Fold, FIN-Pivot, FIN-Project, FIN-Scroll, FIN-Slide, FIN-Vista, FIN-Window, Klappladen, Rollladen, Wintergarten
Gealan-KUBUS, GEALAN-LINEAR®, S 7000 IQ, S 8000 IQ, S 9000, S 9000 plus
System 71-80, System 90
KömaCel, KömaDur, KömaPan, KömaPrint, KömaStyle, KömaTex, Kömmerling C70, Kömmerling O70, PremiDoor 76, PremiDoor 88, PremiLine 80, System 70 AD, System 76 AD, System 76 K-Vision, System 76 MD, System 88 AD, System 88 MD
Aralya, Briliant Design, Euro Design 60, Euro Design 70, Geneo, Geneo Lift&Slide, Neferia, Nordic Design Plus, Slinova, Slinova X, Synego, Synego Lift&Slide, Synego Slide, Titanium Design
bE 73, bE 82 (Greta), bE 92, E82 (Standard), gE 76 (Greta), Green Evolution gE 76 (Standard), SL AD
604, 609, 610, 617, 621, 623, 631, 648, 659, 659, 664, 665, 668, 669, 671, 679, 684, 686, 692, 702, 709, 713, 714, 717, 730, 738, 739, 745, 746, 755, 759, 760, 767, 776, 780, 784, 787, 956, 960, 964, 965, 969, 994
Alu Inside Nordic, CT70, CT70 Accent, EasySlide, LivIng, LivIng 82 AS, LivIng 82 MD, LivIng AluInside, Living Variant, LivIngSlide, PSS 82.A1, S150, S74, SoftSlide, Symbiotic, ThermoSlide
Softline 70, Softline 76, Softline 82
B1010, B1019, B1030, B1038, B1100T, B1104, B1108, B1175, B11753, B1295, B1298, B1300T, B1590, B1592, B19762, B19763, B2011, B2033, B2110, B2120, B3110, B4907, B6915, B8400, B9000T, Duraskin B1005-standard, Duraskin B1013-easy, Duraskin B1015-standard low wick, Duraskin B1017-premium no-wick, Duraskin B1150, Duraskin B1305, Duraskin B1515-standard opaque, Duraskin B1616, Duraskin B1673-premium opaque, Duraskin B1907, Duraskin B4092, Duraskin B4616, Duraskin B4617, Duraskin B4618, Duraskin B4911, Duraskin B4915, Duraskin B4951, Duraskin B6092, Duraskin B6617, Duraskin B6618, Duraskin B6951, Duraskin B71180-Classic 800 Type I, Duraskin B71290-Classic 900 Type II, Duraskin B71311-Classic 1100 Type III, Duraskin B71413-Classic 1300 Type IV, Duraskin B71515-Classic 1300 Type IV, Duraskin T1000F, RTM450-RP, RTM700-RP, Seemee backlit ID (B7613), Seemee backlit LED (B7955), Seemee backlit supreme (B7970), Seemee frontlid night+day FR (B7939), Seemee frontlid ultramatt (B7615), Seemee frontlid ultramatt (B7972), Seemee IV (B1149), Seemee IV (B3852), Seemee mesh extra (B3131), Seemee mesh premium (B3127), Seemee mesh solution (B3135), Seemee mesh standard (B3129), Seemee mesh suprem (B3124), Seemee sinage pro (B3832), SF-6002, T1150F

Top 5 reasons to apply for the VinylPlus® Product Label


1. Showcase your sustainable PVC solutions


2. Increase your sales for sustainable PVC solutions


3. Set yourself apart and attract buyers and specifiers


4. Make it easy for your customers to identify your products based on sustainability performance


5. Benefit from the Label promotion done by VinylPlus®

“The VinylPlus® Product Label is an acknowledgement for our commitment to responsible entrepreneurship, where ecology is one of the driving factors. The Product Label offers evidence to our stakeholders that our products are produced according to the highest sustainability standards but also confirms PVC as a sustainable and future-proof material for the building and construction industry. Within Deceuninck, the label gives us an even greater motivation to continue our efforts and to remain a top performer when it comes to responsible and sustainable entrepreneurship.”
– Francis Van Eeckhout, CEO, Deceuninck

“The VinylPlus® Product Label confirms effectively and efficiently our high product requirements on input components, product quality and used management systems.”
– Joachim Oberrauch,  Member of the Board of Directors, Finstral AG

“GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH has been one of the few companies to be certified according to ISO 14001 and EMAS III since 1996. To show our customers that sustainability plays an important role not only in our management system but also in the manufacture of our products, we have also decided to make the efforts needed to be certified and awarded the VinylPlus® Product Label .”
– Sophia Lingner, Manager Quality, Environment, Energy,  GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH

What the Product Label holders say about it

“We expect that our customers will appreciate this new and very visible proof for our sustainability performance in the PVC profile sector. The VinylPlus Product Label also gave us good ideas how to improve further.” – Rehau AG

“We were among the first to apply for the VinylPlus Product Label and we are proud we are among the pioneers to receive this recognition. It combines elements from responsible sourcing (largely included in the BES 6001 scheme) and the sustainability aspects of the VinylPlus programme.”
– Neil Stuart, Divisional Compliance Manager, Epwin Window Systems

“The VinylPlus Product Label audit was quite a challenge for us to organise, as it came on top of all the other auditing work companies have to do these days. But, it was worthwhile and exciting to measure our sustainability work with a best of class standard.”
– Jürgen Herbe, Head of Marketing, Veka

“It is our responsibility to operate sustainably, the VinylPlus® Product Label certificate is a great way for us to illustrate this to our customers in the PVC sector.”
– Christoph Jungwirth, Head of Product Management, Internorm Bauelemente GmbH

“Thanks to the VinylPlus® Product Label, Verseidag-Indutex GmbH underlines the responsible and sustainable use of PVC, a material particularly suitable for permanent and temporary applications in construction. All certified articles are 100% recyclable, so that they can be recycled in the circular economy. With the VinylPlus certification, Verseidag-Indutex GmbH sets a new benchmark and lives up to its pioneering role in the manufacture of sustainable products.”
– Henric Leuer, Geschaeftsfuehrer, Verseidag-Indutex GmbH

How does it work?


The VinylPlus® Product Label is a voluntary certification scheme. All VinylPlus® partners can choose to apply for the label for a PVC product or product family. The scheme has been developed so as to ensure that the products and their components, but also the company’s policies and performances, are aligned with the below sustainability requirements:

VinylPlus® partnership and programme support

Organisational Management Requirements

Supply Chain Management Requirements

Controlled Loop Management and Recycling

PVC Resin from sustainable sources

Responsible use of Additives

Sustainable Energy and Climate policies

Sustainability Awareness and Communication

Read more about the sustainability criteria

and impartiality

Each criterion covers one or more levels of performance, ranging from a basic mandatory level to an outstanding level. All compulsory criteria must be fulfilled in order to secure certification. Each criterion is given a score or number of credits by an independent third-party auditor. Criteria are regularly revised and developed through transparent procedures open to all stakeholders. To ensure transparency and impartiality the audit results are then independently verified by BRE.


Compulsory criteria

  • Legal compliance, Quality management systems
  • Registered partnership with VinylPlus®
  • Use of PVC resins manufacturers according to ECVM Charters
  • Cadmium-, lead- and low molecular weight orthophthalate-free formulations
  • Waste management

Non compulsory criteria

  • Recycling content of products, design for better recycling
  • Living the VinylPlus® programme in the whole organisation

An overall performance rating is attached to the certificate of approval to highlight areas of strong performance and opportunities for improvement.

Growing recognition as a Label for green public procurement



First sustainability scheme for plastics recognised in BREEAM

The VinylPlus® Product Label has become the very first certification scheme dedicated to plastic building and construction products to be recognised as Responsible Sourcing Certification Scheme (RSCS) in both BREEAM® and Home Quality Mark® (HQM).



Official recognition as a label for sustainable public purchasing in Belgium

The VinylPlus® Product Label has been recognised by the Federale Instituut voor Duurzaam Ontwikkeling (FIDO)/Institut Fédéral pour le Développement Durable (IFDD) as suitable to be integrated into public procurement specifications.



Integrated in new Belgian label for sustainable carpentry

The VinylPlus® Product Label has been integrated in the new Duurzaam Schrijnwerk/Menuiserie Durable label of the Belgian Construction Certification Association.





Recognition as a Label for sustainable products and services

The VinylPlus® Product Label is recognised as a label for sustainable products alongside the PEFC label and other well-known eco-labels on, the Belgian website referencing best practices for circular building.




Referenced as a certification scheme for responsibly sourced plastic B&C products

The VinylPlus® Product Label is taken as reference in new minimum prescriptions for responsibly sourced plastic B&C products in the compulsory guide for public building and renovation projects in Wallonia, Belgium. Specifiers will be able to request Vinyl Verified® PVC window and door profiles using a sentence template.

How to apply

1. Application

Check if all compulsory requirements are met using the Self Assessment document available on the website.

2. Verification

VinylPlus® verifies conformity and informs the applicant how his application is processed.

3. Audit Preparation

Applicant fills out audit information and undertake preparation for the auditor’s onsite visit. The auditor undertakes a pre-assessment.

4. Onsite Audit

The onsite audit takes place and the auditor prepares the performance report.

5. CAB Review of Report

Based on audit result a conformity assessment body makes decision on whether to award Label.

6. Certification

Following certificate decision made by the CAB to award the Label, VinylPlus issues a Certificate of Approval valid for 3 years.

7. Re-application

Partners can apply for a renewal of their certification 3 months before the end of the validity of the certificate. The re-certification process is the same as before.

Application form

To apply, fill out the form below.

  • Company Details

  • Scope of Application

  • I've read terms and conditions

About us

VinylPlus® is the Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development by the European PVC industry. It aims to create a long-term sustainability framework for the entire PVC value chain across Europe and beyond.
The VinylPlus® Product Label has been developed in collaboration with:
Building Research Establishment (BRE) is an independent and impartial research-based consultancy, that tests and trains organisation, and offers expertise in every aspect of the built environment and associated industries.
The Natural Step (TNS) is a global network of NGOs with twenty-five years of experience in helping organisations and individuals understand and make meaningful progress towards sustainability.

VinylPlus head office

Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
1000 Brussels

+32 (0)2 329 51 05

